User talk:Danxor

Revision as of 23:52, 8 December 2010 by Lorak990 (talk | contribs)
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pretty much pulling the images from the web server (i figured out the tree while making the dotd wiki a while back)sometime i'll make an ftp site with a tree, but right now i'm just pulling the images as needed. currently getting the full size image 128x128 for most, but the equipment items can be a lot larger so will most likely use the icon, might be worth adding extra links to the item template as there are 2 versions of the full size image for male and female avatars., but i can make a folder of icons if needed. - My Talk Page - Lorak990 14:37, 18 November 2010 (CST)

Picture Preference

for the gloves there are 3 pictures available, the icon, a left hand, and 2 right hands to accommodate certain weapons. i can resize the one right hand one that matches the icon the closest, or can make an image of both left and right, any preference?

also on the quest and boss/raids i also have multiple pictures available for each of the 4 zones in the game right now., i'll work on getting an ftp site running and then you can tag the one's you'd like to use and i can edit/upload them to the wiki. i added a bunch more pictures and item texts today, so probably going to take a break for a bit and work on other stuff.

As you seem to be editing the templates daily could you change the item one's so that the text does not overflow onto the item picture, and the ships one to support a picture. I think thats all for now, have a good weekend :) - Lorak990 19:13, 19 November 2010 (CST)

yeah I see your point on the item images some of them are 200+px tall, just so you are aware the icons are around 50 px so they would look really fuzzy if stretched at allwould it be possible to use the 2 images. 1 for lists and the other larger for item pages?. I'll look at icons later today - Lorak990 09:56, 20 November 2010 (CST)
"New Icons", I added a new page to test item icons [Image Upload Test] currently have main hand and off hand icons, hopefully the naming convention will work?, working on getting more of the categories added - Lorak990 17:33, 22 November 2010 (CST)
snap didn't see you updated the template until I'd added all the icons to my page >.< it will still work as a reference i guess, still missing a few files, but the category pages look a lot better with the small icons, need to update the consumables page with the extra stuff sometime, tactics/officers/ships/crew/utilities don't have icons available directly but i can re-size the 128px ones if needed. - Lorak990 23:38, 22 November 2010 (CST)
I made some typo's when uploading icons and used the short name stead of full, can you please move/rename the following files [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] to the full name style LotS_Continuum Transfunctioner(Colossal)_icon.png etc. then they should show up correctly on the consumables page, thanks - Lorak990 01:55, 23 November 2010 (CST)
thanks for making the move/corrections - Lorak990 14:14, 23 November 2010 (CST)

Remaining Images

So the wanted files list is pretty much done, i think all thats remaining is some of the template icon links, i have images for all the quest sections, and images of all the raid bosses with all damage stages, should probably link them someplace/make a slideshow but they are large images 768x580px, for the raid pages right now i uploaded the small images seen on the ingame raid screen, there is also the option for the boss quest picture instead you can see an example on CC Commander if you have a preference(i like the larger image but its not completely relevant to the raid sometimes) , also for quest page do do you think its worth adding the mission pictures and info text for individual missions, as this is relatively easy to get?. - Lorak990 14:14, 23 November 2010 (CST)

new items

just curious are you getting a list of the new items on release from the game dev's, or someplace else? - Lorak990 17:01, 8 December 2010 (CST)

I'll work on uploading the images tonight/tomorrow - Lorak990 17:52, 8 December 2010 (CST)